MATLAB: Undefined variable “comm” or class “comm.Rais​edCosineTr​ansmitFilt​er”.

raisedcosinetransmitfilterrcosdesignSignal Processing Toolbox

Hi, I am just trying the codes to design a raised cosine filter. There are already codes found in the web And what I did what just copy and paste the codes there onto my command window to try out. Below are the codes:
Nsym = 6; % Filter span in symbol durations
beta = 0.5; % Roll-off factor
sampsPerSym = 8; % Upsampling factor
rcosFlt = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter(...
'Shape', 'Normal', ...
'RolloffFactor', beta, ...
'FilterSpanInSymbols', Nsym, ...
'OutputSamplesPerSymbol', sampsPerSym)
% Visualize the impulse response
fvtool(rcosFlt, 'Analysis', 'impulse')
I expect it to work, however I am given an error "Undefined variable "comm" or class "comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter"."
I have the Signal Processing Toolbox, and even when I tried the above codes in my school computer it also throws out the same error.
As such, I tried to design the raised cosine filter using the function rcosdesign(), again I copied the codes from the example and simply paste it in the command window. Again it throws out the error undefined function 'rcosdesign' for input arguments type double. =(
Can someone help me please.

Best Answer

You need Communications System Toolbox license to use comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter. You can use
>> ver
to see if you have that toolbox installed.