MATLAB: Undefined operator ‘>=’ for input arguments of type ‘cell’.

MATLABundefined operator

x = inputdlg({'Pick a value between 0 and 1, and will try my best to guess a number greater than that! '},...
'Critical Number Guesser', [1 30]); % This line takes the user input and stores it as the variable x
if x >= 1
msgbox("Invalid Input", "Error", "error");
elseif x <= 0
msgbox("Invalid Input", "Error", "error");
I keep trying to run this code, but I keep getting this error message
"Undefined operator '>=' for input arguments of type 'cell'." Please Help!

Best Answer

you can adust it to take out the cell using cell2mat() function or quick cell indexing using the curly brackets {} can do the trick. see below
x = inputdlg({'Pick a value between 0 and 1, and will try my best to guess a number greater than that! '},...
'Critical Number Guesser', [1 30]); % This line takes the user input and stores it as the variable x
if x{1} >= 1
msgbox("Invalid Input", "Error", "error");
elseif x{1} <= 0
msgbox("Invalid Input", "Error", "error");