MATLAB: Undefined operator ‘-‘ for input arguments of type ‘cell’.


Hello I am trying to optimize a function and I defined the objective function as follow:
T1= Scope{1,1}.values(2:36,9);
To= cell(35,1);
for i=2:36
To{i} = @(k) To{i-1} + (k)*(T1(i)- To{i-1} )
obj=(sum(Tp - To).^2)
when running the function I keep getting Undefined operator '-' for input arguments of type 'cell'.

Best Answer

A question similar to this one was asked before and answered here
You can try to figure it out for yourself by checking some of the following things
  1. Dimensions of the arrays not the same
  2. The contents of the arrays cannot be used for mathematical operations e.g. strings
  3. To access cell content, you should use {} instead of ()
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