MATLAB: “Undefined function ‘rk’ for input arguments of type ‘inline’.” error

undefined function input arguments type error

function r = rk(a, b, h, f)
n = (b-a)/h;
t = a;
w = 1/3;
for i = 1:n
kone = h * f(t,w);
ktwo = h * f(t+h/2,w+kone/2);
kthr = h * f(t+h/2,w+ktwo/2);
kfou = h * f(t+h,w+kthr);
w = w + (kone + 2*ktwo + 2*kthr + kfou)/6;
t = a + i*h;
fprintf('w=%f t=%f\n',w,t);
r = 0;
why does it always give me an error? my other function has exactly the same structure as this one and it works!!!!

Best Answer

Make sure that this is stored in rk.m and that the file is on your MATLAB path. Use
which -all rk
to see if it is on your path.
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