MATLAB: Undefined function ‘regexp’ for input arguments of type ‘double’


Hello all,
I encountered this error message when reading .nc (netCDF4) files with MatLab R2015b. My script is,
%add path that relates to nc file: mexnc, snctools, netcdfAll-4.3.jar,netcdf_toolbox
ncid ='/Users/YU-HSIN/Documents/VSDE/ACOS/','NOWRITE');
The error message showed
Undefined function 'regexp' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in snc_format (line 34)
if ~isempty(regexp(theFile,'https*://', 'once'))
Error in snc_read_backend (line 49)
fmt = snc_format(ncfile);
Error in nc_info (line 49)
[backend,fmt] = snc_read_backend(ncfile);
Error in nc_dump (line 101)
info = nc_info(file_name);
Error in COprofile (line 13)
I do not know how to solve this question. I am new to MatLab. Does anyone know? Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

You appear to be obtaining nc_dump from some outside package that is not compatible.
There is a File Exchange Contribution that has an ncdump (no underscore) but no nc_dump on the Mathworks site.
You might be able to use the MATLAB ncdisp() instead.