MATLAB: Undefined function or variable x

undefined variablex

Why I am getting undefined function or variable x error here?
% Solution of second-order differential equation
% The function diff2(x,y) is created to evaluate the diff. equation
% the name of the m-file is diff2.m
% the function is defined as:

function xdot = diff2(t,x)
is = 2;
c = 50e-6; L = 1/32; r = 10;
k1 = 1/c ; % 1/C
k2 = 1/L ; % 1/L
k3 = 1/(r*c); % 1/RC
xdot(1) = k2*x(2);
xdot(2) = k1*is - k1*x(1) - k3*x(2);
% solution of second-order differential equation
% the function diff2(x,y) is created to evaluate
% the differential equation
% the name of m-file is diff2.m
% Transient analysis of RLC circuit using ode function
% numerical solution
t0 = 0;
tf = 30*e^-3;
x0 = [0 20]; % Initial conditions
[t,x] = ode23('diff2',t0,tf,x0);
% Second column of matrix x represent capacitor voltage
xlabel('Time, s'), ylabel('Capacitor voltage, V')
text(0.01, 7, 'State Variable Approach')

Best Answer

Like so (the function must come last in the script):
% solution of second-order differential equation
% the function diff2(x,y) is created to evaluate
% the differential equation
% the name of m-file is diff2.m

% Transient analysis of RLC circuit using ode function
% numerical solution
t0 = 0;
tf = 0.03;
x0 = [0 20]; % Initial conditions
[t,x] = ode23(@diff2,[t0 tf],x0);
% Second column of matrix x represent capacitor voltage
xlabel('Time, s'), ylabel('Capacitor voltage, V')
text(0.01, 7, 'State Variable Approach')
function xdot = diff2(t,x)
is = 2;
c = 50e-6; L = 1/32; r = 10;
k1 = 1/c ; % 1/C
k2 = 1/L ; % 1/L
k3 = 1/(r*c); % 1/RC
xdot = zeros(2,1);
xdot(1) = k2*x(2);
xdot(2) = k1*is - k1*x(1) - k3*x(2);
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