MATLAB: Undefined function or variable when definition set

my work space looks
'f, minusF, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, RMSD, Sim'
however when I issue the fminbnd command I see
x = fminbnd(minusF,0,1200)
Undefined function or variable 'p9'.
Error in @(x)p1*x^8+p2*x^7+p3*x^6+p4*x^5+p5*x^4+p6*x^3+p7*x^2+p8*x+p9
Error in @(x)-f(x)
Error in fminbnd (line 215)
x= xf; fx = funfcn(x,varargin{:});
is this error caused by the workspace ordering? If so will someone corrects me or provide a link to the required order in which commands must be entered into Matlab please.

Best Answer

Thanks, this briefly answers my long question Walter.