MATLAB: Undefined function or variable ‘nrbevalIGES’.


I keep failing to convert (several different) *.igs files (from different sources on to matlab format, always getting this error:
Undefined function or variable 'nrbevalIGES'.
I get this error when I run the iges2matlab function:
and when I run this line of code from the IGES toolbox
Does anyone know the (possible) source of my problem and/or a solution to it?
Many thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Look in the comments on the submission:
deng deng helpfully added:
===Undefined function or variable 'nrbevalIGES'
===if you wanna use this toolbox, first set is to compile C file in the toolbox
===and the author set "makeIGESmex.m" to finish the compiling
===but if you open this file, you will find "try" structure, which means that even though the compile fails, there won't be errors.
===so you need to run mex('xxx.c'), and see what would happen
===for me, MinGW-w64 C/C++ is needed, so after intalled this compiler, everything was ok
hopefully it could help you guys