MATLAB: Undefined function ‘initializeParameters’ for input arguments of type ‘double’. This is what i get when i run. Please help


inputSize = 36;
numClasses = 10;
hiddenSizeL1 = 30; % Fist Hidden Layer Size
hiddenSizeL2 = 30; % Second Hidden Layer Size
sparsityParam = 0.1; %Avarage activation of the hidden units
lambda = 3e-3; % weight decay parameter for Regularization
beta = 3; % weight of sparsity penalty term
% Load the vibration data file.
trainData =fea1';
trainLabels = [ones(25,1)];
% trainLabels(trainLabels == 0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10 since our labels need to start from 1
% Training the First Sparse Autoencoder
% Randomly initialize the parameters
sae1Theta = initializeParameters(hiddenSizeL1, inputSize);

Best Answer

You need to install that. If you are using a relatively recent MATLAB you can use Add-On Explorer to install it.
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