MATLAB: Undefined function for input arguments of type ‘double’ during Simulink

interpretes matlab functionMATLABsimulink

Hello everyone, I created a simple script (TMAP.m) that has the current body:
function y = TMAP(u)
A = 40e+03;
B = 15e+03;
n = 1;
y = A*(u.^n).*exp(-B*u);
And I added the block "Interpreted Matlab function" to my Simulink model. I indicated "TMAP.m" in the block properties, fed a digital clock as input and connected to output to a scope. The TMAP script is in the same folder as the Simulink model. When in workspace I create a dummy input vector, say 0:0.001:0 and feed it to TMAP (eg y = TMAP(0:0.001:1)) it works just fine. When I try to run the Simulink model, I get these errors:
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
THank you very much for your help
NB – tried also having TMAP doing y = sin(u) to be sure but still refuses to work

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