MATLAB: Unable to use the list box items as a UIAxes legend values in App Designer


I have built an application that plots data from items selected from a listbox. The listbox has multi-select enabled so I can plot multiple items.
When I use the below code, the default legend item names are "data1", "data2" ,etc., but i want to be able to use the app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Items as the legend entries. I know i am able to change the legend names using the property app.UIAxes.Legend.String, but the problem is that if i have only 3 list box items selected i have no way of accessing only the selected variable names to assign as legend items.
if length(app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value) == 1
plot(app.UIAxes, app.TimeData, app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value{1})
elseif length(app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value) == 2
plot(app.UIAxes, app.TimeData, app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value{1})
hold on
plot(app.UIAxes, app.TimeData, app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value{2})
hold off
%elseif statements repeated to allow plotting using up to 16 list box selections

Best Answer

Use the "DisplayName" property in your call to plot(). Also, move the call to legend() after your're done plotting.
But first, app.TimeData seems to be your X values. What are your Y values? The app.ActiveChannelsListBox values are all strings which I suppose you want as legend strings.
plot(app.UIAxes, app.TimeData, y, 'DisplayName',app.ActiveChannelsListBox.Value)