MATLAB: Am I unable to use the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics tools in a GUI that I have created using GUIDE within MATLAB


Why am I unable to use the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics tools in a GUI that I have created using GUIDE within MATLAB?
I plot data in the axes in my GUI, and now I would like to use the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics tools on this data. In order to do this, I do the following:
1) Double-click on the gray area of my GUI in GUIDE to open the Property Inspector for my GUI
2) Change the MenuBar property to 'figure'
This should enable me to use the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics tools. However, when I run my GUI and click on the Tools menu, the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics options are grayed out.

Best Answer

The ability to use the Basic Fitting and Data Statistics tools is not available in MATLAB when only the default set of menus is available.
To work around this limitation, you can set the HandleVisibility property of the GUI to 'on' and the MenuBar property of the GUI to 'figure'. This can be achieved by following the steps bellow:
1. Right-click on your FIG file and choose 'Open in GUIDE'
3. Change the propety 'HandleVisibility' from 'callback' to 'on'.
4. Set the property 'MenuBar' to 'figure'