MATLAB: Unable to update data tip using custom update function

data cursorplot

I have written a code to have a data tip with higher resolution. Please find the sample below:
% Get Screensize
scrsz = get(groot,'ScreenSize');
% Create a figure
fh =figure('Position',[10 10 scrsz(3)/1.1 scrsz(4)/1.1]);
DataCursorMode1 = datacursormode(fh);
% Call the custom update function
% Save the Matlab figure
savefig(fh,[Path '.fig']);
% Close the figure
close (fh);
The custom update function is shown below:
function txt = displayCoordinates(~, info)
txt = {sprintf('X: %.5f', info.Position(1)), sprintf('Y: %.5f', info.Position(2))};
The Matlab figure is being saved in a shared drive. When i open it in my computer the data tip is shown as expected(with higher resolution).
But when somebody tries to open it in a different computer(with the same Matlab version 2018a). The data tip doesn't work anymore. It gives the following error on the figure:
Unable to update data tip using custom update function
I don't understand what is going wrong here. Does anybody have any clue? Appreciate your time and help.

Best Answer

It must be related to where the custom update function comes from when the figure is saved.
  1. I created and saved the figure first with displayCoordinates() as a local function. Close MATLAB and then open the figure, data tip has error even after displayCoordinates() is added as a function in the path.
  2. I created the displayCoordinates() function as a separate function and .m file first in the path. Then create and save the figure. Close MATLAB and open the figure, data tip shows properly.