MATLAB: Am I unable to start MATLAB 7.0 (R14), or upon starting, receive the error “Warning: Could not query OpenGL”


I am unable to run MATLAB 7.0 (R14). In some cases, I receive the error:
Warning: Could not query OpenGL
On a Windows machine, MATLAB will exit silently after displaying the splash screen.
On MacOS X, I will receive a Bus Error such as the following:
Bus error detected at Wed Jun 2 10:40:33 2004
MATLAB Version: (R14)
Operating System: Darwin 7.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.4.0: Wed May 12 16:58:24 PDT 2004; root:xnu/xnu-517.7.7.obj~7/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
Window System: The XFree86 Project, Inc (40300000), display :0.0
Current Visual: 0x22 (class 4, depth 24)
Virtual Machine: Java 1.4.2_03 with "Apple Computer, Inc." Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Default Charset: US-ASCII
Stack Trace:
[0] libGL.dylib:0x90c347d8
[1] glren.dylib:glren::GLRenderEngine::initOpenGLVersionInfo() + 36 bytes
[2] glren.dylib:OpenGLBootstrapOpengl() + 148 bytes
[3] glren.dylib:OpenGLGetData + 32 bytes

Best Answer

One reason MATLAB will fail to start in some instances is due to an OpenGL incompatibility between MATLAB and your graphics hardware (i.e. video card).
In order to determine if this is the issue that is affecting you, you should be able to start MATLAB in -nojvm mode. Although this mode is not supported, it will allow you to start MATLAB. If the problem is an OpenGL issue, the following warning messages will be displayed
Warning: Could not query OpenGL.
Warning: OpenGL appears to be installed incorrectly.
In order to start MATLAB with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) enabled, the following workarounds may be effective:
1. It may be possible to fix the problem by updating the drivers for your graphics card. Visit the website of your graphics card vendor to determine if you are using the latest version of the drivers. If you are on MacOS using Apple's X11, this issue can sometimes be resolved by reinstalling X11. If you are running MATLAB under Solaris, you should consult the Related Solution listed below.
2. If you are using Windows, it is possible to turn off the hardware OpenGL drivers. In order to do this, follow the following steps:
a. Right click on the Windows Desktop.
b. Select the properties tab, and click on the Settings tab.
c. Click the Advanced button, and select the Troubleshoot tab.
d. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider to None.
3. If you are using Linux, Solaris or HP-UX, it is possible to use the MESA OpenGL libraries provided with MATLAB. In order to do this, use the instructions listed in the Related Solution below.
4. If none of the suggestions above work, it will be necessary to disable OpenGL on MATLAB. In order to do this, rename the following file:
Where $MATLABROOT is the directory where you installed MATLAB, $ARCH is the name of your architecture (either 'win', 'mac', 'glnx86', 'hpux', or 'sol2'), and XXX corresponds to the file extension for libraries on your architecture (either 'dll', 'dylib', 'so', 'sl', or 'so', respectively).