MATLAB: Unable to Set Default Model Advisor Configuration after Upgrading Releases

Simulink Requirements

I use a custom Model Advisor configuration set that is stored as a MAT file.
In R2018b, once the configuration set was loaded I could set it as the default so that it is always used. However, this isn't working in R2019a. The 'set current configuration as default selection' option doesn't seem to do anything, and the next time I open Model Advisor, the shipped defaults are there instead of my custom configuration. I have noticed the following error at the Command Window:
Warning: Unable to locate check "mathworks.jmaab.jc_0742" specified by "Check boolean operations in condition labels" when loading configuration.

Best Answer

If you look at the release notes linked below (in the JMAAB 5.1 Support section of R2019a), you will notice that the check mentioned in that error message has been removed.
This is likely why your custom configuration set was not loading correctly. Please try to change your custom configuration set so that this check is not included.