MATLAB: Am I unable to see the “\times” symbol correctly in the EPS document when I open it in Adobe Illustrator (CS3)


I exported my figure to an EPS document using the following commands in MATLAB:
legend('this \times that');
print -depsc2 rep.eps
I am not seeing the "\times" symbol correctly when I open the EPS document in Adobe Illustrator (CS3)

Best Answer

It is likely that the font used when exporting the "times" symbol from MATLAB to EPS is not the same as the font that Illustrator uses to interpret the TEX symbols.
Possible workarounds include:
A. Use latex instead of tex:
% create legend
l = legend('this');
% change legend string & interpreter
set(l, 'string','this $$\times$$ that', 'interpreter', 'latex')
B. Another possibility is to use "zbuffer" or "opengl" to create the EPS file with a raster (bitmap) image of the plot. This should look correct but content modification will be limited in Adobe Illustrator:
print -deps -zbuffer repimage.eps