MATLAB: Unable to see AXI Video stream in/out on HDL Advisor for the Sobel filter reference design.

axi streamHDL Codersimulinkvideo streamzedboardzybozynq

Unable to see AXI Video stream in/out on HDL Advisor for the Sobel filter reference design. I have updated the hardware support packages. My target is either Zybo or Zedboard. I also tried choosing Generic. I have followed all the steps in the

Best Answer

Hi, are you using Xilinx ISE as synthesis tool? In R2016a or earlier version, the "AXI4-Stream Video" interface is only support in Xilinx ISE IP core.
If you are using Xilinx Vivado, you could optionally use "AXI4-Stream" interface to transfer your video signal.
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