MATLAB: Am I unable to see all files located in a NFS mounted drive using LS or DIR in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1)


I am unable to see or access files located in a drive, which are NFS mounted, using MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1). Here is an example of the issue :
1. I create a file named 'magicrank.m' and save it to a drive which is NFS mounted, and ensure that this drive is on MATLAB's path
2. Typing the following at MATLAB's command prompt,
returns the following error
??? Undefined function or variable 'magicrank'.
3. Also, the output of DIR and LS do not show the same files as follows :
tcsh: No entry for terminal type "'MATLAB Command Window'"
tcsh: using dumb terminal settings.
Elvdats3.m elvS3.mdl FL250KCAS250DF00DG00AFT.m pitchcontrollaw.fig
Elvdats4.m elvs4jh.mdl magicrank.m pitchcontrollaw.fig.bak
This issue only occurs on a directory that is NFS mounted, and not on a local or other network drives.

Best Answer

There is a way to deal with this issue:
It appears this is an NFS issue between Linux and IRIX.
Adding the "32bitclients" option to the /etc/exports file on the IRIX
machine where the files are stored seems to correct the problem.