MATLAB: Unable to read MAT-file E:\the_file.mat: not a binary MAT-file.


When I load the mat file in my computer, it returned the error as follow:
Unable to read MAT-file Not a binary MAT-file. Try load -ASCII to read as text.
I both try on a windows10 R2015a and Ubuntu16.04 R2017a environment but received the same problem. How can I solve this problem?

Best Answer

"How can I solve this problem?"
The so-called .mat files at are NOT MATLAB .mat files, they are Octave .mat files (which are text files following Octave's own specification). They are not compatible with MATLAB (feel free to ask Octave's developers about why they did this).
If you want to use them in MATLAB then you will need to either:
  • import them using textfile importing fucntions, e.g. textscan.
  • use Octave to convert them to proper MATLAB .mat files.
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