MATLAB: Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-7 and the size of the right side is 1-by-5.


I want replace the 5 LSB of the 'c' image by the 5 MSB of the 's' image but i have this error..
c = imread('lena.tif');
s = imread('boat.png');
n= size(LL2)
s = imresize(s,n);
for i=1:n
LL2(i,(n-6):end) = s(i,1:(i+4));
HH1_changed = idwt2(LL2,LH2,HL2,HH2,'db1');
c_changed = idwt2(LL1,LH1,HL1,HH1_changed,'db1');
error in " LL2(i,(n-6):end) = s(i,1:(i+4)); "

Best Answer

The error message is pretty much the answer, you are trying to assign 5 elements into 7 elements.
% Has 7 elements | Has 5 elements
LL2(i,(n-6):end) = s(i,1:(i+4));
assigning into 5 elements would mean you replace the index of your LL2
% correct assignment
LL2(i,(n-4):end) = s(i,1:5);
This is assuming you always want to use 5 If you assign using 1:(i+4), your vector size will increase each iteration:
because u are basically calling: 1:5, 1:6, etc. An other alternative is to have the first part transform along: i:(i+5). But i don't know the problem well enough to answer that
(edited - misread the 1:i+4 part)
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