MATLAB: Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.

unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements

I used this code for perfoming kalman filtering for signal data. the measurment are random created.
this massege was appearing (Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a
different number of elements.)
% %Initializations
Pk_prev = [0,0; 0,0];
x_kprev_hat = [0 ; 0];
xk_hat = [];
% Time update equations
A= [0.5 , 0 ; 0 , 0.3];
B = 0;
% Measurement update equations
H = [ 1 , 0];
z = rand(2,200);
E_x=[1,0 ; 0,1]; %Simulating noisy measurements
E_s =[1,0 ; 0,1];
%Measurement model
z_k = H*(z + 1) + E_y;
P = zeros(1,length(z));
% Measurement noise
R =1;%R = 0.000001 for a very low value
% Process noise covariance
Q =[1, 0; 0, 1];
for k = 1: length(z)
x_k_hat_minus = A*x_kprev_hat+ E_x ; %a priori estimate
Pk_minus = A*Pk_prev * A'+ Q; %A priori estimate error covariance
Kk = Pk_minus/(Pk_minus + R);%Kalman gain
x_kprev_hat = x_k_hat_minus + Kk*(z_k(k) - x_k_hat_minus); %A priori estimate
xk_hat = cat(2,xk_hat,x_kprev_hat);%A posteriori estimate
Pk_prev = (1 - Kk)*Pk_minus;%A posterirori estimate error covariance
P(k) = Pk_prev;
hold on;
E_y =1

Best Answer

The ‘Pk_prev’ variable is a (2x2) matrix. You cannot assign that to a scalar array element in ‘P’.
If you preallocate ‘P’ as:
P = zeros(2,2,length(z));
and then assign it as:
P(:,:,k) = Pk_prev;
your code works. You then need to plot ‘z’ as:
Plotting ‘P’ however is not possible with your current code.
You can plot it with this:
hold all
for k = 1:size(P,3)
hold off
grid on
Experiment to get the result you want.