MATLAB: Unable to perform assignment

different elementssimulink

From my attached code and get the following error
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Error in aa1 (line 12)
a= 0.2; b= 0.2; c = 5.7;
% initial condition
yo = [0.5;0.5;1];
% computing the trajectory
dt = 0.01;
tspan = (dt:dt:100);
yinput = yo;
Y = zeros(tspan(end)/dt,1);
for i = 1: tspan(end)/dt
time = i*dt;
youtput = rk4angelstepb(@rosslerb,dt,yinput,a,b,c);
Y(i) = youtput;
yinput = youtput;

Best Answer

If the initial condition has 3 elements: yo = [0.5;0.5;1], te evaluated trajectory will have 3 elements per time step also. Then you need most likely:
Y = zeros(3, tspan(end)/dt);
for i = 1: tspan(end)/dt
time = i*dt;
youtput = rk4angelstepb(@rosslerb,dt,yinput,a,b,c);
Y(:, i) = youtput;
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