MATLAB: Unable to Import ARXML code generated with Simulink into Calibration Tool Vector

annotation;arxmlaxispointsxEmbedded Coderimportrecordlayoutsimulinkvector

Why am I unable to import ARXML code that was generated in Simulink into my Vector calibration tool? The Vector tool says it has "Missing RecordLayout annotation "AxisPointsX" in datatype map.

Best Answer

Simulink is generating ARXML code that is adhering to the AUTOSAR standard for RecordLayout of curves. This standard can be found in the AUTOSAR documentation TPS_SWCT_01296 under "Different approaches of ASAM MCD-2MC and AUTOSAR with respect to swrecrdlayout".
You can see that in an example look up table created with this workflow:
As far as workarounds, it looks like you may have to manually edit the ARXML code that is generated with Simulink. This includes manually adding the "ADMIN-DATA" that the Vector tool requires. It is not feasible to force Simulink to only generate implementation data types.
I would ask Vector for a workaround to import AUTOSAR standard ARXML code in this case.