MATLAB: Unable to convert expression into double array.

unable to convert expression into double array.

syms fi ;
syms theta;
syms psi;
rM=[cos(fi)*cos(theta)*cos(psi)-sin(fi)*sin(psi) -cos(fi)*cos(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(fi)*cos(psi) cos(fi)*sin(theta) ;
sin(fi)*cos(theta)*cos(psi)+cos(fi)*sin(psi) -sin(fi)*cos(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(fi)*cos(psi) sin(fi)*sin(theta);
-sin(theta)*cos(psi) sin(theta)*cos(psi) cos(theta)];
transition=[x y z]';
hM=[rM transition ;
zeros one];

Best Answer

It is not clear what do you want. Your expressions are entirely symbolic. If you want to give later values to x,y,z, phi, etc try to convert hM to a MATLAB function with matlabFunction, eg
and when you supply values for your symbolic variables you will obtain a double array