MATLAB: Unable to clear mex file


I'm compiling a mex file and then moving it up a directory so that it is in the Matlab path. The movefile command fails with the error message: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
The mex file is located in a package, so before calling the movefile command, I call:
However, the mex code is relatively simple, with the only memory allocation being for the output:
plhs[0] = mxCreateLogicalMatrix(1,1);
mxLogical *pl = mxGetLogicals(plhs[0]);
I don't free anything in the mex file.
Running 'clear all' fixes the problem and lets me move the file. Is there an alternative?

Best Answer

I hadn't seen that TMW post about memory leaks and clearing mex routines. Not sure what the issue is there and what the other "process" is.
What is the actual name of your mex function file? Can you clear that name directly? E.g.,
% some code here to call a mex routine named "mymex.mexw32"
[M X] = inmem
% results for X list mymex
clear mymex
[M X] = inmem
% results for X no longer list mymex (i.e., it has been cleared)
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