MATLAB: Unable to cast COM object of type ‘microsoft​​terop.word​.applicati​onclass’ to interface type ‘Microsoft Office interop.wo​rd._Applic​ation’ error while importing word files into Simulink Requirements.

simulinkSimulink Requirements

I am trying to import word files into Simulink for requirements. I have office 2013.
I am facing the following error:
Unable to cast COM object of type '' to interface type 'Microsoft Office interop.word._Application'

Best Answer

This is related to a installation issue with MS office. Please try the following commands from Windows PowerShell?
$a = New-Object -comobject Word.Application
$a.Visible = $True
You should be able to reproduce the above error. This confirms that the issue is related to Word installation.
I suggest you to look at the following page to resolve the issue: