MATLAB: Unable to build dll from simulink mdl for use with Canoe


Trying to use a Simulink model via dll in Vector Canoe product. Procedure followed:
  1. Installed Matlab interface for canoe – patch/plugin provided by Canoe
  2. Created a Simulink model that uses Canoe blocks
  3. Edited configuration parameters in Simulink to use cn.tlc (file supplied by Canoe)
  4. Started RTW build procedure by using (Ctrl + B)
  5. Build error text:
###Unable to find build success string "***Created" in build log.
Could anyone provide any inputs on how to resolve this error.
Matlab version: 2010b
Canoe version: 8.0
Canoe matlab interface version: 2.2.1

Best Answer

the error "Unable to find build success string" is a follow up error. The part which most likely fails first is the compiling/linking step. Can you post the FULL commandwindow output here?
It most likely a compatibility issue here. I would say the best is to contact Vector directly.
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