MATLAB: Unable to Access Some of the Text Analytics Toolbox functions

accessanalyticsfunctionsText Analytics Toolboxtext;tounable

I recently installed Text Analytics Toolbox on MATLBA R2018a. Lots of functions from the Toolbox (wordcloud, fastTextWordEmbedding, abbreviations, bagOfWords, etc.) are installed and functional, but others such as word2vec, vec2word, doc2cell (and probably more) are not accessible.

Best Answer

This is because these functions belong to a specific class. For instance, "doc2cell" function is a method of "tokenizedDocument" class. Therefore, in order to access these function, you need to have an object of the corresponding class that they belong to.
For example, to access "doc2cell" function, you need to have input documents, specified as a tokenizedDocument array.
documents = tokenizedDocument([ ...
"an example of a short sentence" ...
"a second short sentence"])
documents.doc2cell % or doc2cell(documents)
Please refer to the domentation for each of these function for more details about the class they belong to.
1. wordEmbedding Class for "word2vec" and "vec2word":
2. tokenizedDocument Class for "doc2cell":
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