MATLAB: Uiwait function blocking update of uitables in GUIDE


I have GUI (made in GUIDE) that allows a user to configure a bunch of settings that will be used in the operation of a script. Part of this operation is the formatting of a table that will be among the outputs which includes things like phase names, file locations, voltages, etc. Because I need to consider the output of the GUI, I am using uiwait in the OpeningFcn and uiresume in a "Generate" button that allows the script that calls the GUI to continue.
However, I have found that if I use the uiwait function, the uitables within the GUI no longer properly update. They will display the correct number of columns and rows, but no content. If I do not use the uiwait function, all updates properly. I need the output from the GUI so I need to use uiwait, but I also need to be able to see the tables.
Is there someway I can work around/mitigate this behaviour?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Figured out my problem. answering it here just in case someone else has the same issue down the road. I realized that This issue would occur if I ran the GUI by clicking the "RUN" button from GUIDE. when called form the command window, all tables update properly and as expected.