MATLAB: Uitable autofill without cursor jumping to cell (1,1)

autofillcursor jumpguiguidepasteuitable

I've made a gui where I have a uitable that should take the users input an paste it into another cell, for example:
What is in cell(1,2) should be pasted into cell(2,1), and cell(2,2) pasted into cell(3,1) and so on.
I've used this answer to write my code.
function uitable1_CellEditCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
table = get(handles.uitable1,'data');
Depth_data = table(:,2);
for h = 1:size(table,1)-1
table(h+1,1) = Depth_data(h);
It does what it is supposed to do, but this is where I have an irritating error, when I enter values the cursor or tab jumps to cell(1,1), so I cant just press enter and it jumps to the next cell, how do I fix this? Is there a way to store where the cursor is and then make it jump back to that cell or the next instead of jumping to cell(1,1) all the time?

Best Answer

[EDITED] Code suggested in this thread:
jUIScrollPane = findjobj(handles.uitableHandle);
jUITable = jUIScrollPane.getViewport.getView;
jUITable.changeSelection(row-1, col-1, false, false);