MATLAB: UISTACK doesn’t recognize handle

guideimagescinvalid handleplotreorderuistack

I'm using uistack to reorder elements on an axes generated using GUIDE. I receive the error:
Error using ==> get
Invalid handle
Error in ==> uistack at 61
My code is:
imagesc(output_image); % Plot image
uistack(output_image, 'bottom');
I tried to put in if statements to check if it is necessary to run the function, and I've tried various renamings of the output_image. Any help is much appreciated, thank you!

Best Answer

hImage = imagesc(output_image); % Plot image
uistack( hImage, 'bottom');
You need to keep the graphics handle output of the imagesc function and pass that to uistack. You are just passing raw data that has nothing to do with any graphics object itself.