MATLAB: Uicontrol(tableHandle)


I am trying to set focus to a uitable using uicontrol(), but am getting this error:
Error using uicontrol
While setting the 'Parent' property of 'UIControl':
Table cannot be a parent.
I have previously used uicontrol() with other uicontrol objects, as per
I don't want the user to have to click in the table before having to scroll through it.
Is there a possible workaround? This is on MATLAB R2015b.
Thank you!

Best Answer

uitable() is not a uicontrol() so you cannot uicontrol() a uitable() . To set focus on the uitable() call uitable() on the handle.
The call you were making was being interpreted as asking uicontrol to create a new uicontrol whose parent was the uitable.