MATLAB: UICONTEXTMENU will not appear on GUI

axescallbackimagematlab gui

I have been trying to get a context menu to appear anywhere on the eniter figure, which also has a plot on it. I have this code:
cmenu = uicontextmenu('Parent',S.fh);
bgmenu = uimenu(cmenu,'label','Background');
bg1 = uimenu(bgmenu,'Label','Grid','CallBack',set(imread,'filename','grid.jpg'));
bg2 = uimenu(bgmenu,'Label','ConTrail','Callback',set(imread,'filename','grid.png'));
bg3 = uimenu(bgmenu,'Label','Opera','Callback',set(imread,'filename','Opera.jpg'));
The Menu will not show up at all.

Best Answer

You need to set the uicontextmenu property, not assign a parent.
S.fh = figure;
cmenu = uicontextmenu;
bgmenu = uimenu(cmenu,'label','Background');
Now right click inside the figure....