MATLAB: UDP communication Raspberry pi with direct Ethernet connection

communicationraspberry pisimulinkudp

Hi, I recently downloaded and installed Raspberry Pi package (Simulink+MATLAB) and chose direct PC connection.
I tested the sine wave model (External mode) and it worked just fine. I even tested it by removing ethernet cable and reconnecting it and it was disconnecting and resuming on the plot. Also pinging the IP of raspberry pi is success.
The problem is when applying UDP communication example, I receive nothing. I made sure that Normal mode is selected and then deploying the on hardware . I tested when assigning my host IP and another time with '' (Broadcast). Both got me nothing when running host communication model.
My question is, is it possible to receive UDP packets from Raspberry Pi if Direct connection is selected? Hope someone could assist me.
Thanks in advance. I use Model B.

Best Answer

I discovered the problem guys, I had to configure my Ethernet adapter to have static IP . After that all things went good.