MATLAB: Two variables in while-loop

while loop

I'm supposed to sum up the numbers
and figure out how many joints are needed for the sum to be bigger than 0.9977? I've figured out this much:
But the task says that it must be solved with the while-loop. And I do not get this when I have two variables, k and n. How do I put it into this:
? Please help me understand, I have really tried, but I'm new to both the subject and matlab.

Best Answer

k = 0;
while sum < value
k = k + 1;
sum = ...
We recommend against naming a variable sum, due to the conflict with the very-often used sum() function. You should get into the habit of deliberately not naming variables sum: if you do not, then you are quite likely to end up with code that tries to use sum as a variable but also tries to use sum as a function.
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