MATLAB: Two SImilar answer of a MATLAB Question

mathworks contribution

Hi everybody, i am new to Mathworks and jsut started giving answers to MATLAB questions.
Sometime when i answer a question, there's already a similar answer (by any other contributor) just few moments before i posted my answer (mean i was writing the answer when another contributor posted his answer).
The other contributor is maybe in the impression that i stole his answer. What should i do in such scenarios?
Muhammad Saad

Best Answer

Don't worry about it. It is often the case where two people write very much the same response, but one of them must be slower than the other, even if only by a few seconds. In fact, my answers are almost always slower than someone else, since I tend to write fairly long, detailed answers. I try to use examples when I can, so I may spend a significant amount of time in writing an answer. Having spent that time, if I think my answer adds information to what has already been said, why delete it?
Some posters will delete their own answer if they see another has appeared that replicates the information in theirs. But an extra answer is free. It adds some assurance to the person asking the question that the answer they received was correct and accurate.
And remember, their is nothing to be gained by "stealing" someone's answer. Website reputation is worth the bits it is written with - essentially nothing. If you do write an answer, the only real reward is what it should be - that you did your best to help someone else.
(The odds are good that my answer will not be the first, OR the last to respond to your question. I won't worry either way. In fact, extra answers on something like this question are, in my opinion, a good thing.)
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