MATLAB: Two-dimensional image classification using unsupervised learning

classificationDeep Learning ToolboxMATLABStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxtwo-dimensional imageunsupervised learning

For example, I have one thousand two-dimensional images.
I'd like to classify those images into several groups using unsupervised learning.
But, I couldn't find helpful example or document for this problem.
Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?

Best Answer

As per my understanding it is required to cluster the images into several groups using unsupervised learning. I would suggest using trainAutoencoder to learn a network which can generate meaningful features of the images, these features can be extracted from the last layer of encoder. The last layer of encoder is a lower dimensional representation of the image which can be used in kmeans for clustering the features in K groups. This way the images will be classified into several groups but be sure that the clustering is based on some high-level similarities between the images.
For more detailed information you may refer to the research papers available for Unsupervised Clustering.