MATLAB: Two dimensional for loop – “matrix dimensions must agree”

for loopmatrix

Receiving this error when running Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in untitled (line 34)
Dp2p(i, j)= ( (N.*F) ./ (Us + u) )
%% ECE440 HW4
clear all
%%Building matrixes
syms N F U dmin Ui Us
F = 18*10^9 ;%bites
dmin= 2*10^6 ;%download rate
Us= 30*10^6 ;%upload rate
N = [1000, 10,000, 100,000];
u = [350*10^3, 700*10^3, 2*10^6];
%%Client Server
for (i=N) ;
Dcs1= (N*F)/ Us;
Dcs2= F/ dmin;
%%P2P Server
for i=1:length(N)
for j=1:length(u)
Dp2p(i, j)= ( (N.*F) ./ (Us + u) )

Best Answer

Do not use commas to separate decimals as in
N = [1000, 10,000, 100,000];
In matlab commas are only to separate between array elements, in rows.Fix by putting:
N = [1000, 10000, 100000];
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