MATLAB: Two Buttons with same Variable in App Designer

app designerbuttonr2016avariable

Hi Guys,
I'm new to the App Designer and I have a (simple?) question:
I have two buttons. The first one opens a tcp/ip connection to a device. The callback function got the following code (just ignore the lamps):
% Button button pushed function
function VerbindenButton(app)
t = tcpip('', 29536, 'NetworkRole', 'Client')
app.Lamp.Enable = 'on';
app.Lamp2.Enable = 'off';
% Button2 button pushed function
function CAN0Button(app)
fwrite(t,'< open can0 >');
When I click the second button (after the first one) I get the error 'Undefined function or variable 't'.' So here is my question: How do I get the value/information of t into the second button function?

Best Answer

Hi Fabian, You can add an app property to pass data from one callback to another. To do this:
  1. In Code View, press the "+Property" button in the Insert section of the Editor Tab of the toolstrip.
  2. In the editor, rename "Property" to "t" (or another name you like)
  3. In your VerbindenButton and CAN0Button callbacks, change "t" to "app.t"