MATLAB: Turn the output of a script into a cell array

arraycellcell arrayoutputscript

Hello, so I have this script…
PathName = ('T:\10 - VEHICLE TESTING RESULTS\2011 KENWORTH ISX15\10 - CANAPE FILES\1307\MAT_raw');
matdatesearch1(PathName); %# of uploaded files from last day
matdatesearch3(PathName); %# of uploaded files from last 3 days
matdatesearch7(PathName); %# of uploaded files from last week
disp('Last location:');
a = LatestFileUploaded(PathName);
lat = CAN2_CAN_GPS_1_GPS_Y(end);
lon = CAN2_CAN_GPS_1_GPS_X(end);
GetGPSLocation(lat, lon)
disp(' ');
LatestFile(PathName); % The latest file uploaded
disp(' ');
LastMovement(PathName); %Last time truck moved -- last time vehicle speed was > 0
As you can see, the script contains different functions. The output of the script looks like this…
Number of files in the last day:
Number of files in the last 3 days:
Number of files in the last 7 days:
Last location:
720 Aero Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225, USA
Buffalo, NY 14225, USA
Cheektowaga, NY, USA
Cheektowaga, NY, USA
Erie, NY, USA
United States,
New York, USA
United States
Latest file uploaded:
Last time truck moved:
29-Jul-2013 10:13:32
Does anyone know how I have the output of my script come as a cell array? I tried a few different things but nothing seems to work. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

If the question is not: how to filter the cell array
720 Aero Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225, USA
Buffalo, NY 14225, USA
Cheektowaga, NY, USA
Cheektowaga, NY, USA
Erie, NY, USA
United States,
New York, USA
United States
but: how to build a cell array with all the information that is currently displayed on screen, the solution is to make these various functions that you are calling output information instead of (or in addition to) displaying it.
For example, instead of having
function matdatesearch1(PathName)
% Code for computing the number of files: nFiles.

disp(nFiles) ;
and a call like
which displays the result but doesn't store it anywhere, you update a little the function so it returns nFiles :
function nFiles = matdatesearch1(PathName)
% Code for computing the number of files: nFiles.
disp(nFiles) ;
and you store the output wherever you want when you call the function, e.g. in a struct:
result.nFiles1day = matdatesearch1(PathName) ;
or in a numeric variable
nFiles1day = matdatesearch1(PathName) ;
that you can then store in a cell array..
result = {nFiles1day, nFiles3days, nFiles7days, etc} ;