MATLAB: Ttest – 2 matrices

ttest matrix

Hello, I have 2 matrices 52x21x49. Here x=52, y=21 and each of these 'tiles' have 49 values.
I want to do a ttest on each tile to see if the 49 values in each tile of matrix A is drawn from a different distribution than the same tile in matrix B.
Therefore my h and p should = 52×21 each. Is there a smart way of doing this without a for loop?
Thanks, S

Best Answer

Since TTEST wants to work along the first dimension, you can just move that dimension to the front using PERMUTE. Then use SQUEEZE to get rid of the extra dimension. Something like this:
>> a = rand(3,4,5);
>> b = rand(3,4,5);
>> [h,p] = ttest2(permute(a,[3 1 2]),permute(b,[3 1 2]));
>> squeeze(h)
ans =
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
>> squeeze(p)
ans =
0.6347 0.2035 0.2729 0.6062
0.7198 0.7766 0.0945 0.5118
0.2029 0.5078 0.0111 0.3311