MATLAB: Trying to right code to generate matrix for three different frequency

matlab codingmatrix

Hello I have 3 frequencies w1 = 100 , w2 = 200 and w3 = 400
and I have state space model matrix
Ai = [0 1;-wi 0]
Bi = [0 wi]
ci = [1 0]
I want to generate these matrix for each frequencies i mentioned above and pack them in 1 final matrix respectively A, B and C
how should i do this ?
i have tried but its not working
w = [100 200 300]
for i = 1:3
A(i)=[0 1; w(i) 0]
B(i)=[0 w(i)]
any other suggestion or ways ?

Best Answer

w = [100 200 400];
A = zeros(2,2,3);
B = zeros(1,2,3);
C = zeros(1,2,3);
for i = 1:3
A(:,:,i) = [0 1; -w(i) 0];
B(:,:,i) = [0 w(i)];
C(:,:,i) = [1 0];
Hope this was what you're looking for.