MATLAB: Trying to plot two lines in the same figure, doesn’t work


Hi everyone. Im trying to have plot(lesteps,leerros) and plot(trapsteps,traperrors) on the same figure. When I just try to plot one of them it gives me the correct line
[lesteps,leerrors] =leftEndpointAPPROX(12); %vectors of log of steps and errors for the LE Rectangle rule
[trapsteps,traperrors] = trap2(12); %vectors of log of steps and errors for the trapezoid rule
slopeLE = (leerrors(2)-leerrors(1)/(lesteps(2)-lesteps(1)));
slopeTrap = (traperrors(2)-traperrors(1)/(trapsteps(2)-trapsteps(1)));
hold on
title('LogvLog of Trapezoid and LE Rectangle Rules Prob3HW4')
legend({'LE Rectangle Rule','Trapezoid Rule'},'Location','southwest')
annotation('textbox', [0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], 'String', "Slope of LE Rectangle Rule: " + slopeLE)
annotation('textbox', [0.45, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], 'String', "Slope of Trapezoid Rule: " + slopeTrap)
hold off
When I try to plot both of them by uncommenting plot(trapsteps,traperrors) , this happens! I have no idea what I'm doing incorrectly, any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

%if true
yyaxis right
Try this to plot The graph with two axes showing distinct slopes
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