MATLAB: Trying to plot function f(x) = x + 1 / x^2 – 1. fplot and plot giving 2 different graphs.


I'm trying to plot the function:
f(x) = x + (1 /x^2-1)
for -4 <= x <= 4 by dividing the domain of x's into three parts, -4 to the left asymptote -1, asymptote to asymptote (-1, 1), and right asymptote 1 to 4.
When I do the fplot command:
syms x
fplot(y, ([-4, -1]))
hold on
fplot(y, ([-1, 1]))
hold on
fplot(y, ([1, 4]))
It works like I'm wanting it to, but I can't seem to get it to work by specifying x or using the plot command and I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong.

Best Answer

f=x + 1./(x.^2-1);