MATLAB: Trying to pass/ignore an Error in a loop.

errorfor loopMATLABtime series

I have a loop that check the best parametrers in many timeseries, but there are some of them where Matlab cannot check, so the loop is stopping. In those cases i just want the loop to continue, ignoring the error. I am thinking "for i=1:1000 … if find an error go to i+1 " but there is something like this??

Best Answer

Without more detail, I don't know if this will work in your scenario, but one possibility is a try block
x = randn(3,2);
y = randn(3,2);
z = x*y;
catch ME
z = x.*y;
If an error occurs in the catch end block, then the execution will stop unless you catch that error with a try -- catch