MATLAB: Trying to input a number of files from a matrix

loadMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

I'm not sure why this isn't working but I'm just trying to load multiple files from a folder and it's not reading my variables in the matrix as a string. I tried converting to chars but I obviously need more than 1 char based on the example below.
subName = ["10", "12"];
InputFolder = 'F:\Graph Data\';
for i = 1:(size(subName)) %through the size of the number of input files
I'd appreciate any help

Best Answer

>> subName = ["10", "12"]; size(subName), 1:size(subName)
ans =
1 2
ans =
size() with a single parameter always returns a vector with at least two elements. When you give the colon operator a non-scalar value (such as a vector of length 2), then it ignores everything except the first value... which in this case is 1, the number of rows in subName.
You should probably be using something like
load( fullfile(InputFolder, "S" + subName(i) + "_data.mat") )
and better yet would be to assign the result of load() to a variable, instead of "poofing" variables into existence.