MATLAB: Trying to in do a vector in a for loop

for loopmatrix array

n=input('Enter number of rows: ');
m=input('Enter number of column: ');
matrix = zeros(n, m); % preallocate your matrix
for k=1:n
for i = 1:m
M(i) = input(['Enter row ' num2str(k) ' column ' num2str(i) ' number: ']);
matrix(:,i) = M(i);
Im trying to input numbers for the first row with a set number of columns and once that is done i need it to move on to next row. At the end im trying to show them as one matrix. I cant seem to find a way or know a way that allows me to save the inputs as one row and be able to call on that row for however many rows there are.
I guess i want the solution to look like this when i call on it. That s
A =
1 0 2
3 4 5
4 5 8

Best Answer

n=input('Enter number of rows: ')
m=input('Enter number of column: ')
matrix = zeros(n, m); % preallocate your matrix
for k=1:n
for i = 1:m
matrix(k,i) = input('input number: ')