MATLAB: Trying to Import Excel Data using GUIDE push button

guiguideimporting excel data

I am trying to create a GUI that contains a Push Button that finds an excel file, and then extracts the data and creates a .m file of the Data so that in the future rows can be selected and analyzed using the GUIDE GUI. I am able to find the file with the Push Button but once the file is selected and Open is pressed a series of errors come up.
Here is what I have …
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
path = 'c:\users\userName\my documents\matlab';
filter = '*.csv';
selectedFile = uigetfile(fullfile(path , filter));
num = xlsread(filename);

Best Answer

Tessa - use fullfile rather than strcat to create the full file name from the path and name. If you want to save the data from the Excel file to a mat file, then why not just do
which will save the data extracted from your Excel file into a mat file named myData.mat.