MATLAB: Trying to get a symbolic derivative from a string that the user inputs


I'm using Matlab R2018a on a Mac. According to the toolbox installer, I have the Symbolic toolbox installed. I want to have the user input a string like "x*x+t*3" and have it take a symbolic derivative, putting it into a form that I can then pass to eval() (I'm coding a Halley's method code which requires taking several derivatives of a user-specified expression). I'm having a problem and I can't tell if it's because the toolbox isn't active somehow or if I'm doing it wrong. Here's what I see:
>> syms x t
>> s="x*x+t*3"
s =
>> diff(s)
Undefined function 'diff' for input arguments of type 'string'.
what am I doing wrong – how do I debug this?