MATLAB: Trying to fill a matrix with threshold data

loopmatrix indexingthreshold

my problem is simple i'm running a threshold through loop, and i want to store the idx in a matrix where each column represent the values after threshold. but because the amount of values in each column is not the same i'm facing the problem of indexing. my code looks like this
for (p=0.6:0.001:1.7); %threshold range
x1=find(x>p); %threshold value
cid=((p*1000)-5999); %trying to index
x2(:,cid)=x(x1); %trying to put threshold values to each column

Best Answer

t = bsxfun(@times,bsxfun(@gt,x,p),x);
x2 = arrayfun(@(ii)nonzeros(t(:,ii)),1:size(t,2),'un',0);
out = bsxfun(@times,bsxfun(@gt,x,p),x)
out = bsxfun(@times,bsxfun(@gt,x,p),p)